Each year since its founding, the McGrath Computer Learning Center (formerly SeniorNet) has given an award to a volunteer who has made significant contributions to the organization. The Volunteer of the Year is nominated by and voted on by the Steering Committee. The awardees are listed below.

Year Awardee
2000 Jim Ward
2001 Bruce McGrath
2002 Lee Hyder & Louise Glassman
2003 Bob Ennis
2004 Bill Hayes
2005 Pat Roberts & Alan Brooks
2006 Will Hills
2007 Wayne Rickman
2008 Ralph Dale
2009 Jim Jordy
2010 Charlie Brown
2011 Jim Brown
2012 Pat Roberts
2013 Carolyn Heh
2014 Sam Lightner
2015 Wayne Rickman
2016 Sam Lightner & Jim Brown
2017 Nancy Hughes
2018 Virginia Rafferty
2019 Adam Keller
2020 None (due to covid)
2021 Russ Beckmeyer