All The News

Volunteers Wanted

Posted: 2:31 PM 12/6/2023 (bumped 9:59 AM 2/7/2025

The Center is run by its volunteers. Running it is work that is meaningful and rewarding. We need volunteers in all areas of the organization: administration, publicity, fund raising, and many others. If you've been thinking about helping your community by volunteering your time and skills and want to explore volunteering with us, please send us an email at Trust me, we'll get back to you quickly. Click here to learn more.

Printed Catalog Errata

Posted: 9:58 AM 2/7/2025

There have been a few changes since the printed catalog was printed. Go to the errata sheet to see the changes.

Class Canceled

Posted: 10:55 AM 1/27/2025

The course Brain & Body Fitness by Ageless Grace II has been canceled due to low enrollment.

Classes Re-scheduled

Posted: 3:18 PM 1/24/2025 (updated 10:01 AM 2/7/2025)

Dates and times for makeup sessions are listed below for the following classes that were postponed due to the inclement weather of January 21 - 23:

  • Nuclear Waste: Thursday, February 20, 4:00 - 5:00 PM
  • History in Headstones: Tuesday, February 11, 1:00 - 2:00 PM

    All other sessions of each of the above classes will be held at the originally scheduled times. Re-scheduled sessions will meet in the same classroom as originally scheduled.
  • Classroom Location Changes

    Posted: 10:02 AM 1/21/2025 updated 5:39 AM 1/31/2025

    The following classes have been moved to different rooms to accommodate a larger number of registrants:

    • What to Know About End-of-Life Preparation moved to Room 106 of the Penland Building.
    • Venona Papers: Cold War Espionage moved to Room 116 of the Business and Education Building.
    • Helene and its Impact on the CSRA moved to Room 116 of the Business and Education Building.
    • Beethoven's Ninth moved to Room 116 of the Business and Education Building.
    • Near Misses & Untold Truths moved to Room 106 of the Penland Building.
    • Life as an Indian Trader moved to Room 124 of the Business and Education Building.

    Course Canceled

    Posted: 11:09 AM 1/10/2025

    The course PowerPoint Made Easy, scheduled for 9:30 AM, January 16-30, has been canceled.

    Course Canceled

    Posted: 6:12 AM 1/8/2025

    The course Freaky and Fabulous Fungi, scheduled for 11:00 AM, January 31, has been canceled at the request of the instructor.

    Communications from the Center

    Posted: 2:29 PM 9/1/2024

    We communicate with the public and our registered students in multiple ways. This website is one. Our Facebook page is another. We also issue a monthly newsletter. A link to the current issue is emailed to our public mailing list about the first of each month. Current and past issues of the newsletter are also on this website. We also mail a printed catalog to those on our regular mail mailing list. We also broadcast email announcments and distribute posters around town about our courses and events. If you are not on our email or regular mail mailing list and would like to be, sign up by completing this form.

    New Volunteer Position: Facilitator

    Posted: 12:50 PM 8/11/2024

    The CLL Curriculum Committee has created a new volunteer position to lessen the burden on our class liaisons and help our instructors run their classes. The new position comes with a great benefit: facilitators attend the class they facilitate for free! You may go to the facilitator webpage for more information about the new position. If it sounds like something you would be interested in, there will be a training session for both existing and new volunteers on August 20, 1:00 PM, Room 144 of the Business & Education Building.

    Relationship with USCA

    Posted: 7:07 AM 1/12/2024

    On January 11, 2024, the Center signed a new agreement with USCA. Under the new agreement, the Center becomes a program of the University. Heretofore, the Center was an independent, volunteer-run organization with strong ties to the University. You may read more about the signing ceremony here.

    Parking Passes

    Posted: 2:28 PM 12/6/2023

    A parking permit is required to park on campus to attend CLL classes. To acquire a permit decal, take your driver's license and vehicle registration certificate to Room 104 of the Business and Education Building. You may also acquire a permit at Open House if you bring your license and registration. Permits expire each August—check the expiration date on your decal. When you come to campus, place your decal in the lower left corner of your windshield and park only in spaces with white lines; spaces with yellow lines are reserved for USCA faculty.

    Member Benefits

    Posted: 2:24 PM 12/6/2023

    The $35 per semester fee brings you benefits in addition to permitting you to register and attend classes. Click here to go to the Member Benefits page to see them all.

    We're Now on Facebook!

    Posted: 5:34 PM 8/16/2023

    The Center for Lifelong Learning went 'live' on social media with the launch of our Facebook group, 'CSRA Friends of Lifelong Learning' on Sunday, August 13. To join the group, go to our Facebook page. If you already have a Facebook account, you may also open Facebook, find it under Groups, and ask to join. You will be approved within 24 hours and will have immediate access to the latest news about the Center. Of course, you can always access our website ( for complete information, but this group gives us a way to reach an audience through the most popular social media service.