All The News

Fall Semester Schedule Posted

Posted: 7:00 AM 7/6/2024

The schedule of courses for the upcoming fall semester has been posted. Go to the Summary Schedule page to see a chronological list of the courses offered. The Topical Index of Courses may offer a better guide to your particular interests. You cannot register for a course until the beginning of Open House at 9:00 AM, August 13, in Room 122 of the B&E Building. Online registration also starts at the beginning of Open House. Mail-in registration forms will NOT be processed until August 14. The best chance of getting into the courses of your choice will be by attending Open House or registering online.

New Hybrid Classes

Posted: 8:02 AM 6/20/2024

The Center for Lifelong Learning is continuing its development of hybrid classes, those that will be both presented in the classroom and streamed via Zoom to the students' device. Normally, students will attend in person in the classroom. The Zoom option will allow those who are unable to attend in person to view the class online while it is being presented in the classroom. For the fall 2024 semester, the Center will present seven courses as hybrid classes. Hybrid classes are marked in the course index.

Kauffman Award Luncheon

Posted: 9:03 AM 5/1/2024

The 2024 Kauffman Rememberance Day and Award luncheon was held April 24 on the campus of USCA. The 2024 Kauffman Award was presented to Carl Fields in recognition of his years of service to the Center of Lifelong Learning and its predecessor.

Relationship with USCA

Posted: 7:07 AM 1/12/2024

On January 11, 2024, the Center signed a new agreement with USCA. Under the new agreement, the Center becomes a program of the University. Heretofore, the Center was an independent, volunteer-run organization with strong ties to the University. You may read more about the signing ceremony here.

Volunteers Needed

Posted: 2:31 PM 12/6/2023

The Center is run by its volunteers. Running it is work that is meaningful and rewarding. We need volunteers in all areas of the organization: administration, publicity, fund raising, and many others. If you've been thinking about helping your community by volunteering your time and skills and want to explore volunteering with us, please send us an email at Trust me, we'll get back to you quickly. Click here to learn more.

Parking Passes

Posted: 2:28 PM 12/6/2023

A parking permit is required to park on campus to attend CLL classes. To acquire a permit decal, take your driver's license and vehicle registration certificate to Room 104 of the Business and Education Building. You may also acquire a permit at Open House if you bring your license and registration. Permits expire each August—check the expiration date on your decal. When you come to campus, place your decal in the lower left corner of your windshield and park only in spaces with white lines; spaces with yellow lines are reserved for USCA faculty.

Member Benefits

Posted: 2:24 PM 12/6/2023

The $35 per semester fee brings you benefits in addition to permitting you to register and attend classes. Click here to go to the Member Benefits page to see them all.

We're Now on Facebook!

Posted: 5:34 PM 8/16/2023

The Center for Lifelong Learning went 'live' on social media with the launch of our Facebook group, 'CSRA Friends of Lifelong Learning' on Sunday, August 13. To join the group, go to our Facebook page. If you already have a Facebook account, you may also open Facebook, find it under Groups, and ask to join. You will be approved within 24 hours and will have immediate access to the latest news about the Center. Of course, you can always access our website ( for complete information, but this group gives us a way to reach an audience through the most popular social media service.