2021 Holiday Drop-in
On December 2, 2021, the Center hosted its annual Holiday Drop-in for members. We had a good sized crowd and a great time of fellowship and celebration.
Dr. Daniel Heimmerman, Chancellor of USC Aiken, and Wayne Rickman, President of CLL, welcome guests.
There was delicious food and a selection of great drinks to get everyone in the celebrating mood.
The Savannah River String Band, featuring CLL's Vicki Gibboney (second from left), provided festive music.
Wayne listens to Dr. Daren Timmons, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs of Uof SC Aiken, while JeanMarie Bronson and Dr. Heimmermann listen.
David Tavernier, Vice President of CLL (standing center), chats with long-time member Carl Fields (seated, Santa hat) and Steve Gordy, Chair of CLL's General Interest Curriculum Committee (standing right), chats with two guests.
Elizabeth Thomason, Sherry Wilson, Linda Wright (seated, l to r).
Dr. Timmons talks with Doug Leader, instructor of the Picasa course.
Christie Favre, Continuing Education Coordinator with USC Aiken (right) with her parents.
Some of the guests at the drop-in.
Jim Tisaranni, Chair of CLL Publicity Committee (left) and Michael St. John, Assistant Director of External Programs for USC Aiken.
Geraldyne Bradham, long-time volunteer (right) and two other guests.
Wayne Rickman, Nancy Hughes, Chair of CLL Volunteer Committee, and Debbi Brooks, CLL volunteer (l to r).
Richard Thomason (standing), Sherry Wilson, Linda Wright, Carl Fields (seated, l to r).
Some of the guests at the drop-in.
Doug Wilson, Newsletter Editor for CLL, and his wife Sherry.