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Recent News

Recent news below. Read All The News here.

Course Canceled

Posted: 6:16 AM 9/4/2024
The course Introduction to Chromebooks has been canceled due to low enrollment.

Communications from the Center

Posted: 2:29 PM 9/1/2024
We communicate with the public and our registered students in multiple ways. This website is one. Our Facebook page is another. We also issue a monthly newsletter. A link to the current issue is emailed to our public mailing list about the first of each month. Current and past issues of the newsletter are also on this website. We also mail a printed catalog to those on our regular mail mailing list. We also broadcast email announcments and distribute posters around town about our courses and events. If you are not on our email or regular mail mailing list and would like to be, sign up by completing this form.

Additional Section Added

Posted: 3:00 PM 8/28/2024
A second section of the course Brain and Body Fitness by Ageless Grace has been added to the fall semester schedule. Section B will be held on four consecutive Fridays beginning September 13, 10:00 AM – 11:15 AM, in Room 144 of the B&E Building.

2023 Kauffman Award Presented to

Wayne Rickman

The annual Kauffman Award for outstanding service to the Center for Lifelong Learning was presented to Wayne Rickman at the annual Earl F. Kauffman Remembrance Day Luncheon, April 26, 2023.

After graduating from the Naval Academy, Wayne began his career as a submariner and rose in the ranks to become commander of submarine operations in Bremerton, Washington.Wayne Rickman He moved from there to commander of operations at multiple ports along the east coast of the United States, attaining the rank of rear admiral.

After he and his wife Sharon moved to Aiken in the early 1990s, Wayne became associated with SeniorNet at USCA, teaching adults to use computers and leading that organization. Wayne played a key role when the local organization left SeniorNet and created the independent McGrath Computer Learning Center.

When the decision was made to combine McGrath and the Academy for Lifelong Learning to form the Center for Lifelong Learning, Wayne became the Center’s first president. The success of the Center’s formative first year is due in no small part to Wayne’s efforts.

His easygoing manner coupled with his ability to understand and remain focused on the ultimate goal made him invaluable during the merger transition process.

He continues to play a leadership role as the Past President and Board member of the Center for Lifelong Learning.

In recognition of his long term service with McGrath and now the Center, and especially for his leadership, dedication, and willingness to tackle difficult issues throughout the creation and start up of our new Center for Lifelong Learning, the Board is proud to present the 2023 Kauffman Award for Exceptional Service to Wayne Rickman.

Note: This article is an edited compilation of The Spiral by Doug Wilson and Award Remarks by Raleigh Daniel.