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Recent News

Recent news below. Read All The News here.

Volunteers Wanted

Posted: 2:31 PM 12/6/2023 (bumped 9:59 AM 2/7/2025
The Center is run by its volunteers. Running it is work that is meaningful and rewarding. We need volunteers in all areas of the organization: administration, publicity, fund raising, and many others. If you've been thinking about helping your community by volunteering your time and skills and want to explore volunteering with us, please send us an email at Trust me, we'll get back to you quickly. Click here to learn more.

Printed Catalog Errata

Posted: 9:58 AM 2/7/2025
There have been a few changes since the printed catalog was printed. Go to the errata sheet to see the changes.

Class Canceled

Posted: 10:55 AM 1/27/2025
The course Brain & Body Fitness by Ageless Grace II has been canceled due to low enrollment.

Announcement of Merger

On July 23, 2021, a meeting was held in Room 122 of the B&E Building on the campus of USC Aiken to publicly announce the merger of the Academy of Lifelong Learning and the McGrath Computer Learning Center to form the Center for Lifelong Learning. About 30 volunteers, USC Aiken staff, and the media attended.

Remarks were made by Paul Crook, Executive Director of the Etherredge Center and External Programs; Dr. Daniel Heimmermann, Chancellor of USC Aiken; Dr. Daren Timmons, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs; Wayne Rickman, Chairperson of McGrath Computer Learning Center, Inc.; Harriet Haynes, President of the Academy for Lifelong Learning; and Karen Edgington, former Director of External Programs, whose leadership led to the merger of the two organizations long associated with USC Aiken Continuing Education.

The remarks were followed by formally signing the merger agreement. The signers are shown in the picture below.

(L to R) Dr. Daniel Heimmermann, Wayne Rickman, Harriet Haynes, Dr. Daren Timmons